Volunteer Opportunities

We need you! The Yonkers Ledger is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit local news organization that relies on volunteer support from our community.

Beyond the civic duty of informing for your friends and neighbors about local news and events, there are numerous benefits in contributing to our organization. Since The Yonkers Ledger is a professionally recognized news agency with a wide reach across various platforms, it’s the perfect way to launch your own career. Whether it’s your writing, photography, or punditry, you will reach a huge audience under our masthead. Furthermore, by contributing, you ensure that the news you care about is shared with your community–it’s the biggest megaphone in the city!

So, browse the list of positions below. And if there’s some other way you believe you can help in our mission to inform and educate the people of Yonkers, please reach out to us with your suggestions.

Social Media Manager

social media follow

We are looking for someone to administer our various social media accounts. Essentially, you will create new posts for our content and respond to followers. We use tools like Constant Contact and Later to easily manage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. All of our publishing platforms can be viewed on our Follow page.

Video Producer

We are looking to grow our visual storytelling with a video producer. From creating short-form “reel”-style videos on news stories to filming community events, a video producer will bring to life the stories of our city. As a verified non-profit, we have a “Canva for Teams” license where we create social videos and we use the Later App to distribute these to all of our various platforms. Reach out today if you are interested in either filming or editing videos for our community.


Do you have an eye for photography? We need local talent to submit images of community events and city hall meetings. No professional equipment is required–an iPhone will work just fine! As an added benefit, being a credentialed member of our news organization will provide you the best access to all the important events in the city.

Newsletter Editor

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The Yonkers Ledger distributes a weekly digest newsletter to its hundreds of loyal subscribers. We are looking for a Newsletter Editor to manage this weekly digest as well as to develop new, more frequent newsletters to interact with our growing audience. We currently use Constant Contact to manage our subscriber lists, generate email templates, and promote sign-up forms across our website and social media.


We are committed to the free distribution of news. Because of this, we do not publish advertising of any sort. Specifically, we do not accept payments for promotional content and we do not display political campaign advertising. However, we still have day-to-day operating costs to fulfill our not-for-profit’s mission. Therefore, we accept small-dollar donations from individuals here and are actively seek grant funding.

So, we seek someone committed to generating revenue for our organization through increased promotion for donations and submitting grant applications.

Sports Writer

We are looking for a freelance sports reporter to join our community newsroom. As the freelance sports reporter, you will report on and cover scores, stories, live events, and breaking news to a Yonkers audience. These include high school sports and events at the Yonkers Raceway.

Education Writer

Are you a parent, teacher, or otherwise connected to the Yonkers Public Schools system? We are looking for someone to submit written summaries of YCPTA meetings so that information can be shared with the greater community. We’d also love to post announcements on school activities and highlight the achievements of our students!

Reach out now!

So, if you’d like to join us and help the community by spreading good news, submit a message to us at the contact form below.

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