Westchester County Legislature to Redraw Districts Over Gerrymandering Lawsuit

The Westchester County Board of Legislators (BOL) expects to vote on amending certain districts this Monday. The impromptu change comes after allegations of a partisan gerrymander and related court challenge to the 15th legislative district.

The Challenge

All jurisdictions in government underwent redistricting after the 2020 U.S. Census. The 17 districts in Westchester County underwent two revisions and the final map was adopted on December 6th, 2022. Petitioners on behalf of Legislator James Nolan of the 15th district challenged the map in court. They claimed a partisan gerrymander excising many Republican precincts, while adding an excess of Democratic ones. While partisanship is not a factor in federal gerrymandering litigation, New York State does consider political affiliation during redistricting. This was made evident last year when the courts rejected the new U.S. Congressional districts.

The Settlement

The judge hearing the case wished to spare the taxpayers any more undue legislative time and expense. Therefore, he urged the parties to reach a settlement. That settlement comes in the form of this updated map set to be voted upon this Monday, June 5th. Speaking with redistricting expert Andy Beveridge, Ph.D., he noted that this settlement was likely better for the Democrats than if they had gone to trial and lost.

The Vote

The BOL must schedule a public hearing preceding their vote. Here, residents may voice their support or opposition to these newly-drawn districts. However, the comments are unlikely to sway the vote. The unanimous passage of this amendment is predicted–finally closing the book on redistricting for the next decade.

I am happy to hear that there was a settlement on the […] redistricting lawsuit.” said James Nolan. He continued, “I look forward to representing Yonkers, Bronxville, and Eastchester in the next term.”

This new map may be adopted immediately for the general election in November 2023. Nolan faces a rematch with former Legislator Ruth Walter. Walter will have a tougher race after the proposed map is adopted. Speaking with Walter, she expressed confidence in her return to office.

I am confident that voters across District 15 will choose transparency, integrity and a platform that closely aligns with their values—this will ensure my victory for the 15th legislative district in November.”

The Neighbor

While the adjacent 14th Legislative District represented by David Tubiolo will be altered to accommodate the settlement, it is moot this year. Tubiolo will run unopposed in the primary and the general as his intended Republican opponent withdrew at the end of petitioning season. This withdrawal was not without its own controversy. Giuolo Tata was endorsed by the Yonkers GOP in February. In April, The Yonkers Ledger discovered that Tata had potentially committed voter fraud. Tata was registered in both New York and Florida. Moreover, he voted in both states in 2022. This revelation led Tata to not submit his nominating petitions and therefore never appear on the ballot.

Suffice to say, the 2023 election cycle for the otherwise ordinarily dull legislature has been anything but. This upcoming map change could prove pivotal in the race for the 15th district. Some thought the more Democratic-friendly lines would help return Walter to office. Now, an already tight race becomes even tighter. So, will Nolan remain as the lone Republican on the Board of Legislators, or will Walter return to join her fellow Democrats?

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