Voters of Yonkers Submit Petition for Term Limits Referendum

Official Press Release from “Yonkers Voters for Term Limits

Today, a non-partisan alliance of voters from Yonkers delivered a petition containing 5,000 signatures to the Yonkers City Clerk to put the issue of term limits on the ballot in November’s general election. 

It is now the responsibility of the Clerk and the City Council to refer the petition to the Westchester Board of Elections for inclusion on the November 2023 ballot.  The ballot question would allow the people to decide once and for all whether they want term limits on elected City officials restored.

After the undemocratic override of the existing term limits law by only four votes of the Yonkers City Council in November 2022, voters are demanding their voice be heard. We believe that only the people, not self-serving elected politicians, should decide the structure of our government. The enactment of the Yonkers term limit law, which the Council and Mayor overrode, had been twice approved by Yonkers voters, but it was removed by entitled politicians acting solely in their own self-interest.

In February 2023, an alliance of Democrats, Republicans, and independent voters organized to submit the restoration of term limits to the November 2023 ballot for Yonkers. With the submission of over 5,000 signatures, we have met the requirements of New York State law, and the Clerk and the Council now must take the necessary steps to place the term limits proposition on  the ballot in November. 

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