Statement from Yonkers Councilmember Anthony Merante Regarding Mayor Spano’s Proposed 2024 Yonkers Budget

Official Press Release from Anthony Merante

Mayor Spano’s proposed 2024 budget let’s Albany off the hook while punishing Yonkers residents with a 2.9% property tax increase”, stated Merante.  He continued, “Sadly, Democratic Mayor Mike Spano has divided loyalties. His party controls Albany, so he’s politically constrained. His hands are tied so he cannot aggressively go after Yonkers fair share of State revenue. Instead, he inflicts another property tax increase on Yonkers homeowners. This is Mike Spano’s 10th property tax increase.”

Councilmember Merante added, “As mayor I would have proposed a zero percent tax increase and gone after the State for our fair share of monies.  We annually send $500 million in Yonkers sales and income tax revenue to Albany and only get $400 million back. 

The Albany Democrats have been sticking it to Yonkers residents since Mike Spano took office. Mayor Spano has put his political expediency ahead of the needs of the forgotten people of Yonkers not only with this budget, but also with bail reform, that let’s criminals back on our streets. These, in addition to Governor Hochul’s planned takeover of local zoning, will devastate our neighborhoods. I’m a Republican. I am not fearful of fighting hard with Albany Democrats for the benefit of the people of Yonkers.

Yonkers residents are suffering with the current inflation. Basics such as food, gas and rent are at an all-time high.  This tax increase hits homeowners hard, especially those on fixed incomes. Renters will be looking at rent increases because landlords will pass this property tax increase onto them.  Yonkers is already plagued with high rents, and this will only exasperate the crisis. It’s apparent this administration does not feel for the “little guy”. How can the average hourly worker keep their heads above water?  In times when the people of Yonkers are hurting, you must be compassionate and try to lift people up, not burden them further with a tax increase. Merante concluded, “I will be voting no for this budget!”

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