Results of the 2023 Primary Elections in Yonkers

The most heated primary elections season in recent memory culminated on June 27th after over a week of early voting. Even with abysmally low turn-out, these elections still generated a lot of news with some upsets and close races.

The following results are not yet complete or official!

Mayor (D)

After the toughest mayoral race in decades, Mayor Mike Spano still bested his two female opponents in hopes to extend his governance of the city to the longest in history.

Mike Spano

Mike Spano


Corazon Pineda-Isaac

Corazón Pineda Isaac


Margaret Fountain-Coleman

Margaret Fountain Coleman


City Council District 1 (D)

The newly drawn first council district represents virtually the entire waterfront of Yonkers. While each candidate has legislative experience and deep roots in Yonkers, Deana Robinson, the legislative aide to the current officer-holder and daughter of the Director of Veteran’s Services, will represent this district next term if the remaining handful of affidavit and mail-in votes do not flip the win to Parker.

Deana Robinson

Deana Robinson


Shatika Parker

Shatika Parker


Effie Phillips

Effie Phillips


City Council District 5 (R)

12-year city councilman Mike Breen was challenged by his constituent, Ron Schutté, as a protest against Breen’s vote to extend his own term limits. Breen will now have the opportunity to serve, potentially alongside Mayor Spano, for 16 years.

Mike Breen

Mike Breen


Ron Schutte

Ron Schutté


County Legislator District 16 (D)

Majority Leader Christopher Johnson previously represented the first city council district in Yonkers. Now, their current representative, Shanae Williams, has unseated him from his office at the Westchester Board of Legislators.

Shanae Williams

Shanae Williams


Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson


General Elections

The Westchester Board of Elections will certify the results in the coming weeks. Then, the race for the November General Elections will officially begin. Mayor Mike Spano will face-off against Council Member Anthony Merante. And Shanae Williams will be up against Debbie Kozak. There were some uncontested primaries that present a general election choice to voters. These include Jose Alvarado vs. Jose Diaz for Westchester BOL district 17 and Jimmy Nolan defending against former legislator Ruth Walter for BOL district 15.

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