New York Redistricting Commission Convenes to Advance Congressional Line Redraw

The Independent Redistricting Commission convened in Albany on Thursday, following a recent directive from New York’s highest court to redraw congressional lines. The meeting, although largely procedural, set the stage for a process that sparked national attention.

The implications of New York’s redistricting process are far reaching. Experts suggest potential ramifications may shift control of the House of Representatives in 2025. Although, the commission acknowledged the limited scope of Thursday’s meeting. They noted it was merely a preliminary step in the comprehensive redistricting endeavor.

Two such procedural changes were addressed in the meeting. Firstly, the commission announced the resignation of co-executive director Darren McGeary, with Douglas Breakell appointed to assume the role. Vice Chairman Nesbitt clarified the change, stating, “It’s a constitutional office, so it required a face-to-face meeting to make a change.” Additionally, the commission affirmed the appointment of two vendors, Redistricting Partners and Redistricting Insights. These firms will assist in the creation of new congressional maps. Chairman Ken Jenkins emphasized the technical expertise of these organizations, describing them as “technicians” crucial to the mapping process.

Deadline for the lines

While Thursday’s agenda primarily focused on procedural matters, Jenkins and Nesbitt emphasized that substantive work would commence in earnest after the turn of the year. They expressed confidence that, unlike the previous redistricting cycle marred by partisan gridlock, the commission remains committed to a collaborative and efficient process.

[None] of the commissioners to my awareness have been anything but working hard together wherever we happen to be to get our job done and turn it over to the legislature for consideration.

Chairman Ken Jenkins – Yonkers

Despite acknowledging that discussions about the maps themselves are pending, the commission remains optimistic about meeting the Feb. 28, 2024 deadline.

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