Minority Leader Mike Breen Seeks New York State Assembly Seat

A crowd gathered at the Dunwoodie Golf Course in Yonkers on March 12th, 2022 to see Minority Leader Mike Breen announce his campaign for assemblyman of New York State’s 90th District.

After more than 10 years on the Yonkers City Council representing the fifth district, Breen is eager to serve the people of Yonkers at the state level with a seat in the lower house. The 90th district includes 90% of Yonkers.

Breen sees his election as an opportunity for change. He told his supporters at the event that he understands the frustration of Yonkers residents—and that he plans to be loud to ensure their message is heard in Albany.

“I have a loud voice,” Breen said. “So believe me, when I get to Albany, they will hear me. I intend to be the voice for families who every morning get ready for their day, going to work or school, going about their lives and every day we have politicians in Albany, failing all of us, acting like our state is their kingdom and our voices don’t matter. It’s high time concerns of residents are addressed.”

Breen is looking for an opportunity to bring forward solutions to Yonkers’ most pressing issues.

“There needs to be change in Albany, and if Albany isn’t going to change, then we need to change the people in Albany.”

Mike Breen

As Minority Leader Breen wrapped up his announcement, he touched on his motivation to challenge incumbent two-term Assemblyman Nader Sayegh for the seat.

“I’m running for State Assembly because I’m confident I can get things done. I know how to listen, and I have a proven record of working in a bipartisan manner to get results and that’s what I intend to do when elected to the Assembly.”

Election day is slated for Tuesday, November 8th.

You can register to vote here: https://citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com/register-to-vote

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