Majority Leader Pineda-Isaac Seeks Re-Election in 2nd Council District

Majority Leader Corazon Pineda-Isaac is seeking re-election in the 2nd Council District. If elected, this will be her third four-year term as a member of Yonkers City Council.

Pineda-Isaac is relying on her history serving the people of Yonkers—and her voting record.

“I love the work that I do, and I’m proud of the work that I’ve done. I believe that I’m the strongest democrat on the council because my voting record and legislative record shows that.”

Majority Leader Pineda-Isaac is running on a platform of affordable housing, education, and police reform—including the mandated use of body cameras.

“In 2015, I saw the importance of how body cameras can improve police relations with the community,” Pineda-Isaacs said.  “We started work on this before the national uprising.”

In speaking of her commitment to affordable housing, Pineda-Isaac is encouraged by the opportunity to improve living conditions for renters and provide suitable housing options for lower-income citizens.

“I’ve also worked hard in supporting and protecting renters from predatory landlords, and worked to create a landlord registry in Yonkers. And, with many new buildings going up with affordable units, we have also created an affordable housing registry to help people find those apartments.”

Corazon Pineda-Isaac

Education advocacy is another of Pineda-Isaacs’ top priorities, but she acknowledges that there is plenty of room for improvement.

“I’m one of the biggest fighters for education. The budget we just passed has increased services and programs to include more librarians and guidance counselors. But there is still work to do—and I’m looking forward to it,” Pineda-Isaac said.

The Majority Leader is an outspoken advocate of the issues she is passionate about. However, she admits that council doesn’t always share her views.

“There are many issues that all of us on the council agree on,” Pineda-Isaac stated. “But we vary in the spectrum. I consider myself to be a progressive and I’m passionate about the issues that I believe in and fight for. We always don’t agree but I will always speak up and fight for my community.”

Voting will take place during the Democratic primary on June 22nd.

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