Mike Bloomberg Endorsed for President by Mayor Mike Spano

Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano endorsed former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg for President last week. Spano praised Bloomberg’s executive leadership, track record, and desire to unite the country while endorsing the Democratic Presidential candidate.

“As a neighboring mayor, I had the honor of working with Mike Bloomberg as he guided New York City through three terms of extraordinary revival and resurrection,” said Spano. “I’ve seen him take a position against the problems and struggles that touch so many local communities, from finances and education to climate change and gun safety. Mike is a problem-solver with a wide range of abilities that easily transition to the federal level. I am happy to back Mike Bloomberg in his presidential campaign because I have faith in his abilities.

“Americans need a candidate who understands their potential, and Mike has a comprehensive economic strategy that will enable them to prosper in respectable local employment, such as updating job training to provide useful skills that support middle-class families. At a time when our nation is divided, I am certain that Mike’s unmatched leadership abilities will bring us together and help us advance on the national and international stages.”

Spano has now joined 20 other mayors from throughout the nation who are supporting Bloomberg’s candidacy for President.

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