Yonkers Broken Sidewalks Equal Broken Promises

This story was syndicated with permission by Ardina Seward from the SW Yonkers’ Hamlet Hub

As a property owner/renter/business owner, you are responsible to keep the entire sidewalk area abutting your property free of litter, debris, high grass and weeds as well as any high grass or weeds covering a fire hydrant in front of your property. As per City Code §91-34, the area to be kept clean extends 18 inches into the roadway. Failure to comply is punishable as a Class III Offense and a fine of up to $1,500.

All sidewalks abutting your property must be kept in good repair and free of tripping hazards as per Section 103-3 of the Yonkers Code.Owners must obtain a permit from the Engineering Department (914-377-6210) prior to any sidewalk repair or replacement. Fines ranging from $250 to $5,000 could be imposed under a Class II Offense.

Please call the Code Enforcement Bureau at 914-377-6888 or 914-377-6669 for complaints or questions concerning sanitation/ sidewalk issues.” – City of Yonkers

The sidewalk  at the corner of Warburton Avenue and Willow Place has remained in disrepair for several years. How is it possible that a strip that runs the length of an entire City of Yonkers block is not navigable. Is it exempt from code enforcement?

Pedestrians in Shanae WilliamsCity Council district are forced to use the other side of the street. Many people have fallen and hurt themselves, yet nothing has been done. This leaves the Y.O. vulnerable to litigation. 

“In most cases, the public entity must have known about the dangerous condition that caused the accident, and had failed to remedy the situation in a reasonable amount of time. In some cases, a private property owner may be liable for the injury.

If the sidewalk was not in good condition when you fell, you can still file a lawsuit against the city. However, in order for a lawsuit to be successful, you need to prove that the city – in this case, New York City – neglected its property and it was negligent in causing the injury. If a sidewalk is crumbling, uneven or cracked, you can use that as evidence.”

Steps away, Lionsgate Studios is building another addition to the mega facility located at 28 Wells Avenue. The Warburton Avenue extension will change not only the culture but the aesthetic of a drab and rundown section of the area.

Unless the sidewalk repair is done, the divide between a low income, minority sector of Yonkers and the steady stream of commercial giants will continue to expand. 

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