The Moral Compass of Congressman Jamaal Bowman

Recently, talk in Westchester County has revolved around recruiting another Democrat to run for Congress. And also in this conversation, we hear phrases like “we could do better.” I’d like to know who the “we” is in this?

As a middle class white woman in Yonkers, New York, I feel I must speak out about what I see our Congressman Jamaal Bowman doing for our district. I see Congressman Bowman sitting down and meeting with Veterans’ of all stripes, I know because my husband was there. I see Congressman Bowman meeting with tenants, homeowners, and people from New Rochelle to New Bedford, to ensure their basic rights and dignity are being met. I see Congressman Bowman advocating for peace and justice throughout this district. And that means supporting the people of Israel and the people of Palestine and the people of Westchester and not beholden to any other government, except the United States government.

Also, he is not beholden to any lobbying organization that gives him huge sums of money, which is why he can speak out freely. I see Congressman Bowman as a champion for human rights above all else, and that means standing tall against bullying, against antisemitism, and against racism. I see Congressman Bowman as exactly the kind of person I want to represent all the people in Westchester County.

That doesn’t mean we will always agree on every single subject — that’s impossible, but I know he will always be open-minded and listen to another point of view. Basically, when all is said and done, I trust Congressman Jamaal Bowman‘s moral compass.

The Yonkers Ledger does not endorse any candidate and the opinion stated in this article is solely that of the author. We welcome all submissions here.

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