Margaret Fountain-Coleman on Mike Spano’s Big-Money Donors

Official Press Release from Margaret Fountain-Coleman

“Poli-tricks”, money, and influence continues to sully our political landscape here in America. Yonkers is no different. It is not lost that Mayor Michael J. Spano’s campaign coffers have provided him with a pathway to wield influence and power throughout Westchester County. This is evident in the amount of money and the who’s who of donors represented on his BOE disclosure forms. The authority that money brings into politics is unsettling.

It is not surprising that it could be concluded that Mr. Spano needs to remain in his mayoral position because of his allegiance. The donors list reveals the entanglement that continues to benefit just a portion of Yonkers. What is not lost on this candidate is that not all residents are feeling the wealth of his leadership and the responsive government that they desire.  

Sixty-six (66) percent of Yonkers residents who make less than $120,000 aren’t afforded the same opportunities that many are experiencing in our city. It doesn’t take much to envision what a fourth term experience will be for some. The list of major political players who have joined the Spano- bandwagon speaks to why campaign finance laws need to be addressed.

We are in a new era in our city that requires transparency, honesty, and responsive governing. We need leadership that will be willing to speak the truth without hesitation or fear of backlash. We need leadership that will hold itself and those who conduct business with the city accountable. We need leadership with integrity. We need a leader that focuses on unifying a community with resources, opportunities, and access. We need a leader that will focus on Yonkers ONE Community.

I am that leader that vows to conduct Yonkers business on behalf of the people with integrity, accountability, and transparency. Yonkers government will only work when the people are confident that its government is functioning in their best interest.

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