Game of Thrones and Crowns

So many of us watched the show Game of Thrones on HBO, and waited with anticipation for the next episode. For those individuals who missed the show, grab your popcorn and watch the politics in the next few months, because Yonkers has its own storylines that parallel GOT.  Perhaps the most powerful characters of the HBO show were all the commanding women and their rise to power.  Will women get to have those powerful wins in our reality?  You be the judge, jury and executioner while creating your own storyline.  Your pathway to power and influence could very well start with a campaign for political office.  

Government is essential to a functioning society, however how you get into the governmental roles is all about politics.  This is my call to action to all women, especially women starting their careers, who are attempting to identify personal power, and have a voice in our society–BECOME A CAMPAIGN MANAGER!  This is not a new or old, right or left, not even a republican or democratic issue.  Women in leadership have proven to be successful and inclusive throughout history.  This is a let us examine why women are such a great fit in a world that is still very much a male dominated space.  

With 51.4% of Yonkers represented by women it makes sense that women would understand the majority of the electorate.  Though in recent years we have seen a rise in female candidates, a ravine still exists for the role of women in political campaigns.  Women are volunteers and fundraisers, but hardly any are campaign managers. Campaign managers do exactly that, manage the campaign.  They oversee the fundraising, messaging, logistics, volunteers, and all the elements of the campaign to ensure success.  Most campaign managers set their own price, with some charging about $5000 a month, while others charge more.  

If you have been able to organize your schedule to go to school and engage in after school activities, while simultaneously navigating the dynamics of a friend group you can be a campaign manager.  The ability to combine managing finances, families, jobs, and all the other various roles women in society play, speaks directly to our lifelong training to be in this role and take up this space.  

But I hate politics

Firstly, politics anywhere is like high school everywhere.  Think back to high school. Did you survive heartbreak, betrayal, dishonest players, overwhelming schedules, learning things for the first time, pressure and finally graduation?    If you answered yes to managing all of these stressors and completed your goals…Congratulations, you can be a campaign manager!  

Politics, and those driven by politics can be frustrating, however; if you and others like you enter the field of politics, then the number of dishonest, unethical and frustrating people can be outnumbered by those trying to do good.  One of the best ways to silence the voice of those dishonest players, is to inundate that system with individuals committed to doing good for others.  

Why women? 

  • Women are primed for the role of organizing, motivating and delivering for their clients, mostly because we are naturally groomed to be multitaskers.  
  • Women outnumber men in population.  
  • Women not only communicate extremely well and look at things differently, they can better understand what will motivate a larger part of the population to actually vote and get excited.  
  • Women take on challenges and see them through to fruition.
  • Women need access to inform legislation, partnerships and the community as a whole.  Often, the campaign managers go on to become an integral part of the elected official’s administration, this gives you a direct and concentrated opportunity to voice your thoughts.  

Instead of the games the women in Game of Thrones play to get to their powerful positions, I implore all women to think about playing a more major role in campaigns, by organizing them.  It is time for us to be part of informing legislation and get a throne at the table where decisions are made, while simultaneously wearing the crowns that we so fiercely deserve for all the other roles.  Take your place and thrive in this world that is still filled with men, hungry for power and influence. Go show the world who you are and step into your full power!  

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