Yonkers Youth Dead Near City Hospital

During a shooting outside St. Joseph’s Medical Center on Tuesday afternoon, a 17-year-old Yonkers youth, Kasean Tuthill, was murdered and another boy was hurt, according to authorities.

Just after 3:05 p.m., the two were in the vicinity of South Broadway and Vark Street when the shooting broke out.

Moments later, when police arrived on the scene, both victims had already entered the medical facility, where the adolescent was declared dead. The status of the second victim, who was 18, was categorized as stable.

A 16-year-old Yonkers kid was detained by police and charged in Westchester County Court as an adolescent offender. He was accused of second-degree murder and attempted second-degree murder.

According to authorities, he was stabbed in the thigh during the altercation.

In the vicinity of 44 Vark St., where the suspect fired numerous shots during a confrontation between two groups of teens who knew one another, the victims and the culprit were both involved.

According to authorities, Tuthill, 18, was shot twice in the back and twice in the hip and lower torso.

Gun crime has no spot in our societies, and let this swift arrest serve as a cautionary tale to our young people that their activities may have life-altering repercussions — in this case, two lives and two families have been left in ruins. “Violent acts, including those committed by youngsters, will not be tolerated in our city,” Police Commissioner Charles Gardner said in a statement.

The inquiry is still ongoing.

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