Yonkers City Council Calls Public Hearing for Capital Budget Amendment

City Council President Lakisha Collins-Bellamy announced a public hearing regarding a proposed amendment to the 2023/2024 Capital Budget. The hearing commences on November 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The Council Chambers are located on the fourth floor of Yonkers City Hall on 40 South Broadway.

The proposed amendment seeks to increase the estimated total authorization in the current Capital Budget by no more than $18,200,000. If approved, the total authorization in the budget will rise from $96,281,816 to an amount not to exceed $114,481,816. This almost 19% increase intends to finance capital projects within the City of Yonkers. The 2023/2024 fiscal year began on July 1 and ends on June 30, 2024 and the Council voted to approve this budget last May.

The public hearing on Nov. 28 provides an opportunity for community members to voice their concerns or support for the proposed increase to the budget. Therefore, the City Council encourages residents to to participate. Those wishing to speak may sign up on the night of the event at the hearing site. The speakers will be called in the order in which they have registered. The public hearing format allots each speaker three minutes to address the Council. However, the Council will directly engage with questions at that time.

The proposed amendment signifies a potential significant investment in the development and enhancement of infrastructure and services within Yonkers.

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