Public Hearings on City of Yonkers 2023/2024 Budget

Official Press Release from City Council President Lakisha Collins-Bellamy

I, Lakisha Collins-Bellamy, City Council President of the City of Yonkers, do hereby call a public hearing on the proposed 2023/2024 City of Yonkers Capital Budget as follows:

Monday, May 8, 2023
City Council Chambers
City Hall– 4th Floor
40 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York
7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Saunders High School
183 Palmer Road
Yonkers, NY 10701
7:00 p.m.

Anyone wishing to speak may sign up on the day of the hearing at the hearing site. Each speaker shall be permitted three minutes and speakers shall be called in the order in which they have signed up.


Property Taxes: $414,697,043
Special Taxes: $217,049,888
State and Federal Funding: $108,628,272
City Departments: $48,895,700
Other Revenues: $42,906,752
Appropriated Fund Balance (General): $92,263,867
Total Revenues Sub-Total: $924,441,522
Library Fund: $115,389
Water Fund: $51,107,082
Sewer Fund: $11,869,478
Board of Education: $413,634,277
Total Revenues: $1,401,167,748


City Departments: $384,578,616
Fringe Benefits: $198,470,751
Special Items: $41,592,134
Board of Education: $667,543,037
Total Operating Expenditures: $1,292,184,538
Debt Service: $108,983,210
Total Expenditures: $1,401,167,748
Revenues vs. Expenditures: -0-

Property Tax Levy

Board of Education Property Tax Levy: $270,558,784
City Property Tax Levy: $144,138,259
Total Property Tax Levy: $414,697,043
Property Tax Rate per $1000 of Assessed Valuation (AV)
Board of Education Tax Rate: $579.50 per $1,000 AV
City Tax Rate: $308.98 per $1,000 AV
Tax Rate: $888.48 per $1,000 AV

Capital Budget

City Total: $66,281,816
Board of Education Total: $30,000,000
Total: $96,281,816

The FY24 Executive Budget is available for review by the public at:
The Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 40 S. Broadway, Yonkers NY 10701

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