New York Enacts Swift Response Law for Downed Power Lines

In a move to bolster public safety during storms, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has signed a law mandating utility companies to promptly address downed power lines reported by residents. Prior to this legislation, only downed lines reported by a municipal emergency official necessitated the scheduled response by power companies.

The legislation on lines

The legislation, announced on Wednesday, Nov. 22, expands the obligation utility companies face when dealing with these dangerous lines. It requires utility companies to respond to reports from residents within 72 hours after the conclusion of the emergency event. Governor Hochul emphasized the significance of the law and the need to keep New Yorkers safe.

A downed power line isn’t just an inconvenience—it poses significant safety risks to New Yorkers. Consumers should be able to report downed power lines to their utility company, and we’re making sure that happens in the safest, fastest possible way.

Kathy Hochul – New York Governor

New York Assembly by Assemblymember Nader Sayegh of Yonkers championed the legislation. He hopes it empowers communities to take an active role in ensuring public safety. Sayegh expressed the importance of broadening reporting authority, stating, “This measure enhances our emergency response plans, prioritizing public safety and the well-being of New Yorkers.” State Senator Shelley B. Mayer from Yonkers also applauded the law. She noted, “Our neighbors are frequently the first to identify downed wires. And now they will have a meaningful opportunity to make sure their concerns are heard.”

With this new law in effect, New York is taking proactive measures to mitigate safety risks associated with downed power lines. The legislation aims to strengthen the collaboration between residents and utility companies in times of emergencies.

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