Messiah Baptist Church Celebrates Inclusion on the State and National Registers of Historic Places

On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Pastor Frank E. Coleman, Jr. and Messiah Baptist Church will host a landmark service at Messiah Baptist Church, 76 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, New York at 6:00 pm in celebration of The New York State Board for Historic Preservation including Messiah Baptist Church as a site to be recommended for inclusion on the State and National Registers of Historic Places. In addition, The New York Landmarks Conservancy has awarded Messiah Baptist Church with funds to restore the historic church. This service will be an inspirational experience with a message delivered by Reverend Al Sharpton, which will be spiritually enriching to all in attendance. Please send information pertaining to your media organization’s participation to Ms. Katina Williams([email protected]) or (914.523.2770).

The church building dates to 1888 and was built as the Westminster Presbyterian Church. It was designed by Lawrence B. Valk, and the land was originally owned by the family that founded the Otis Elevator Company. In 1964, Messiah Baptist Church members acquired the building. One year later, a historic moment occurred. On May 28, 1965, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., visited with several civil rights leaders to address the Negro American Labor Council’s Fifth Convention at the church. Messiah Baptist Church is the oldest African American church in the City of Yonkers and has been a beacon of light and hope. Messiah has a rich history which provided both community and religious support to residents. Many influential persons and programs were “birthed” from its ministry, including a blossoming youth church/daycare center, college scholarship programs along with home ownership and housing programs that served the needs of the low to moderate income community.

Messiah Baptist Church has stood as the pinnacle of faith, activism, and advocacy for the city of Yonkers and the faith community. Being called as their Pastor during this season of notoriety is both honoring and humbling. It is my hope that the legacy of Messiah will always be the testament of what faith in action is.” Rev. Frank E. Coleman, Jr.-Senior Pastor

Deacon Matthew Walker, Messiah Baptist Church Diaconate Ministry, remembered Dr. King’s visit to Messiah and added, it was “an honor to stand right next to him.”  Deacon Walker is proud of the “positive impact” the church has on the entire City of Yonkers and is prayerful that the history of this great church will forever be acknowledged and appreciated. 

Messiah Baptist Church is an honored faith institution. The designation as a historical fixture in the City of Yonkers and the county of Westchester is a significant achievement of its longevity, dedication and commitment in serving our members and community. Messiah has led and continues to lead as a church of love, faith and grace.” Rev. Margaret Fountain Coleman, MBC Landmark Chairperson  .

Messiah Baptist Church with Al Sharpton

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