Mayor Mike Spano Presents his 10th State of the City Address

On March 25, Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano gave his 10th State of the City address. The citizens of Yonkers received Spano’s address remotely due to the COVID panedemic.  The SotC is accessible to view and listen to on Facebook and at the City of Yonkers website.

The address highlighted some of the major accomplishments beginning with the recent US Census finding that Yonkers may now be New York state’s third largest city, moving up one place and surpassing Rochester.

This increased population necessitates additional investment in critical sectors like education. Mayor Spano promised to build a new community school for pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. He mentioned that Yonkers needs at least two additional schools, not to mention the necessity to renovate more than 30 existing schools. However, under the present funding provided by the state, Yonkers can only afford to build this one new school.

Increased economic activity is expected with the coming “Hollywood on the Hudson” development plans. Lionsgate TV & Movie studio in the downtown waterfront area is the forerunner of hopefully future much more investment in Yonkers.

Spano also touted his green energy bona fides by announcing that the Yonkers Police Department will roll out electric vehicles include a Tesla.

Watch the full address via the Youtube video below or read the transcript here.

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