Hector Santiago Calls on Westchester DA to Investigate Yonkers Police Over His Assault

The attorney representing Hector Santiago in an impending civil suit against The City of Yonkers has sent a letter to the office of the Westchester District Attorney. The letter requests an investigation into the assault Santiago endured during a protest at city hall in November 2022.

Hector Santiago attended the Yonkers City Council meeting on November 22, 2022 where the council extended term limits for themselves and the mayor, Mike Spano. During a heated debate, Santiago was escorted from the chambers and physically struck and tackled after a scuffle with one of the plain-clothed officers. Santiago was recovering from shoulder surgery and his arm was in a sling. Though, in pushing back again one officer, that officer responded with what appeared to be a closed-fist punch to Santiago’s head. Numerous officers assisted in then forcing Santiago to the ground where he was ultimately arrested.

While Hector Santiago is facing criminal charges, he has retained counsel in an upcoming civil lawsuit against the city. Leo Glickman is representing Santiago and has today, Monday Jan 30th, transmitted a letter to Mimi Rocah – the District Attorney for Westchester County. In the letter, Glickman calls for an investigation into the Yonkers Police Department. No investigations into the officer(s) involved in this incident have yet been announced by the YPD. By Glickman’s words, this has caused Santiago and Glickman both to “have been disappointed by the inaction of law enforcement authorities in the city and county.” Glickman goes on to call for the immediate arrest of the YPD officers involved in the assault, just as his client was immediately arrested for seemingly lesser charges like obstructing governmental administration and disorderly conduct.

You can click here to read the full text of the letter.

The letter is also embedded below:

Hector Santiago faces an eighth day in criminal court on February 14th. Any civil lawsuit against the City of Yonkers would be filed after the verdict in the criminal case. We await a response from the Westchester District Attorney’s office on this matter.

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