Former Yonkers City Council Worker, Anand Singh, Caught in Undercover Sexual Predator Operation

Former Yonkers City Council aide and current Westchester Board of Legislators aide, Anand Singh, has been caught soliciting sex from a presumed minor during an undercover sting operation.

The Youtube channel, OBL Global, conducts undercover sting operations to catch sexual predators. Using decoys that pretend to be underage girls, they communicate with potential predators online and lure them to locations to catch them in-person.

The Sting of Anand Singh

In a sting operation that lasted over a week, Anand Singh believed he was speaking with a 14 year-old girl via text message. In the hundreds of messages between Singh and the decoy, he uses explicit sexual language. He asks about her physical appearance including her private areas, as well as discussing his own. He offers to bring various sex toys for their potential encounter including S&M instruments like restraints, paddles, and clamps. In one of their final messages, Singh tells that the underage decoy, “I can’t wait to break you in.

In these same messages, Anand Singh also shares private images of himself. One of which you can see here.

Anand Singh's sext to assumed underage girl
Anand Singh – Credit OBL Global

The sting operation culminated in an in-person confrontation with Singh in mid-December 2022. A short voice call between the decoy and Singh confirmed the details of the meetup. In the call, Singh says that he will bring the aforementioned sex toys as well as “Plan B” pills.

Singh drove upwards of three hours across states lines into New Jersey in hopes of meeting his 14 year-old sexual interest. When the visibly intoxicated Singh arrived at roughly one in the morning to meet the decoy, he was instead met by the adult male creators of the OBL channel. A non-violent confrontation ensued where Singh proceeded to walk away past his accusers. Eventually making it to his car, Singh sped off from the parking lot.

Speaking with the woman who portrayed the decoy, she described Singh as, “the worst predator I’ve ever talked to in the 6 months I’ve been helping conduct these operations.” Further saying that he abused his position of power in government to ruin the lives of young girls.

Positions in Yonkers and Westchester County

Anand Singh worked as an aide to the Yonkers City Council President from about 2019 to 2021. Photographs of Anand Singh can be found with countless former and current Yonkers officials including the current mayor, Mike Spano. While on Family and Medical Leave, Singh transitioned to a new job at the Westchester County Board of Legislators (BOL).

At the BOL, Singh is staff to the Economic Development committee and the Legislation committee. However, his information has been recently removed from the BOL website which may be a sign of his termination. We have reached out to numerous BOL staff to confirm his employment status and are awaiting their response.

To date, no formal charges have been brought against Anand Singh. We are awaiting public statement from law enforcement on this matter and will update this article accordingly.

More on Anand Singh

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