Family of Hit-and-Run Victim CJ Hackett Furious Over Mayor Mike Spano’s Comments

The families of CJ Hackett and AJ Solieri are distraught over comments Mayor Mike Spano made in public about the hit-and-run death of 16-year-old CJ in August 2022.

CJ’s tragic death

On the evening of August 2, 2022, CJ Hackett and his best friend, AJ Solieri, set out for a typical summer adventure, riding around Yonkers and enjoying their youth. The night took a tragic turn when a dark van struck CJ near the exit of Coyne Park on McLean Avenue. AJ witnessed the collision and tried to help, but CJ’s injuries were too severe. An ambulance transported him to the hospital, but CJ tragically succumbed to his injuries the following day.

CJ memorial photo
Memorial for CJ Hackett – credit: The Yonkers Ledger

CJ, a junior at Stepinac High School, was remembered for his kindness and generous spirit. His untimely passing left a lasting impact on his family and friends, who continue to celebrate his life.

Authorities arrested Yonkers DPW worker, Stephen Dolan the following day at his workplace. He initially plead not guilty to a vehicular manslaughter charge. However, prosecutors revealed that Dolan had consumed a significant amount of alcohol, visiting multiple bars and having over 17 drinks that night.

Dolan ultimately did plead guilty a year after CJ Hackett’s death. He faces 18-48 months in prison, with his final sentence to be delivered in December. The Westchester District Attorney seeks the maximum penalty from the court.

The Mayor’s comments

On October 27, Mayor Mike Spano attended the Nodine Hill Senior’s Halloween party. AJ’s aunt, Carolyn Solieri, also attended, and recorded the event on her phone. She’s been doing this at every event with candidates in the waning days of the 2023 election campaign.

Mayor Spano approached the table where Carolyn and others were sitting. During their brief discussion, Carolyn identifies herself as AJ’s aunt and raises the tragedy of CJ’s death. Mayor Spano’s reply shocked her. After noting that, “it was very sad…it was sad what happened,” the mayor continued, “but even more when we know what those boys were doing the night before.

With Carolyn flabbergasted, she retorted, “what are you trying to blame the boys now?” She proceeds, incredulously, to confirm what she heard. The Mayor then takes a turn seemingly to deflect. “The District Attorney brought that up, not me.” And then he says something next that’s less intelligible about “being adults.”

You may listen to the almost minute-long exchange below.

Mayor Mike Spano speaking with Carolyn Solieri about the death of CJ Hackett

Response from government

We contacted Mayor Mike Spano’s communication office twice requesting clarification on this conversation. Specifically, what was the Mayor referring to in regards to what CJ and AJ were doing the night he was struck and killed by drunk-driver, Stephen Dolan? Also, what sort of communication did the Mayor have with the DA in this matter per his comment? The response we received was, despite being in a public venue with many others present, that, “the Mayor’s office does not comment on what appears to be a personal conversation.”

On the other hand, the DA’s office was prompt to respond. Echoing prior statements that their office does not engage with politicians on any case, their statement was clear. It simply said, “The District Attorney never spoke to the Mayor on this case.”

So, it appears that the Mayor’s words are his own, and their meaning remains a mystery until he himself explains them.

The family reacts

Lacking any apology, explanation, or even recognition from the Mayor on his comments, the families of CJ and AJ became incensed. Below are the full unedited remarks from CJ Hackett’s father.

I can’t believe a sane man would ever say such nonsense! Especially a Mayor! The heartache just continues. The fix was in from the beginning. From the crooked cops to the fixed courts. CJ never had a chance at justice. And we will never have closure. I cannot express enough my disgust for that corrupt cesspool called Yonkers.

Christopher Hackett

Likewise, the father of CJ’s best friend, who called the ambulance the night he was killed by a drunk driver, also took issue with the implication that the actions of the victim contributed to his own death.

I am totally shocked by the words from Mayor Mike Spano. I am a man for the first time ever in his life speechless. The fact that he would imply that CJ’s death was done by his own actions is disgusting. As a longtime advocate and supporter of Mike Spano, I stand corrected. He is a heartless person.

CJ deserves better than this from the Mayor of the city in which he called home. This is totally disappointing and I am disgusted by the Mayor’s words. I strongly believe if it was someone of importance to the Mayor or part of his agenda to help his political career he would have moved heaven and earth for justice.

Tony Solieri
Justice for CJ Hackett shirts
Loved ones of CJ Hackett raising awareness of their case – credit: Ron Matten

The lack of justice and corruption both fathers elude to stems from their own allegations that the Yonkers Police Department and Westchester DA handled now-guilty Dolan with “kid gloves.” Claims that Dolan’s family connections in the YPD, and his own position in the Mayor’s government, sparked their belief that he was unjustly protected. And now, with the Mayor seeming to acknowledge other factors in the child’s death beyond that of the man who killed him, only seem to perpetuate those feelings.

The bereavement

In addition to their current anger, both families continue to grieve for the lost child. For example, AJ has CJ’s portrait saved on his phone’s home screen. And heartbreakingly, CJ’s mother reportedly moved into an apartment on the cemetery grounds so she may walk to his grave daily. So, whatever the Mayor’s meaning was, or even his intention, appears moot. These are two families looking for peace, not for elected officials to make vague, unsubstantiated allegations against the dead.

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