Yonkers’ Parks System Grows as City Purchases Waterfront Property

The park land and recreational green space in Yonkers is set to expand. The City recently acquired scenic waterfront property along the Hudson River and intends to use the land to create a new park. This new riverside park will be the most significant addition the Yonkers park system in years.

Mayor Mike Spano was enthusiastic as he announced the purchase of the $13 million property. Spanning close to 130,000 square feet on the Ludlow waterfront, the parcel of land will be a gathering place for the community. And it will be the first riverside park in southwest Yonkers.

“Today we completed the $13 million purchase of the property,” Mayor Spano said. “The next step is to work with the current tenant to relocate and then complete design and construction of the park. Southwest Yonkers is the only portion of the City’s waterfront not to have a public park, and we are now well on the way to changing that.”

Development of the park will be a coordinated effort between the the City of Yonkers government and Westchester County. Last year, Yonkers City Council authorized the use of bonds to fund the $13 million purchase price. The County Legislature and County Executive George Latimer are committing at least $10 million towards its design and construction. County legislator Jose Alvarado of the 17th district has been especially vocal and supportive of this new park within his district.

Located directly north of the Westchester County Joint Sewage Treatment Facility, the waterfront property is also adjacent to the American Sugar Refiners (Domino) plant. The park’s planners intend to incorporate a vacant northern section of the plant’s property into the new park’s design. Due to the property’s industrial location, a complete environmental assessment was completed to ensure its safety as a public park. The review was a coordinated effort between with City of Yonkers and the State Department of Environmental Conservation.

“This is an enormous step forward for our goal to make the Hudson Waterfront available to the public.”

Mayor Mike Spano

Construction of the park is anticipated to start in 2024. The City of Yonkers plans to engage the public for input on potential designs.

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