The Yonkers Train Station Connects Our Past and Our Future

The Yonkers train station has a rich history dating back over 100 years. Each day it transports hundreds of passengers down to New York City, up to Albany, and many places in-between. Throughout the years these passengers have been famous Yonkersites like Ella Fitzgerald and Jon Voight. Its architectural pedigree and beauty are a jewel in the crown of the city. And as the only intercity station in the region, Yonkers Station is a symbol of the critical role that the plays in the state of New York.

Yonkers Station Ticketing window
Historic Yonkers Train Station Ticket Office

Originally built in 1911, the station was designed by noted architects Warren and Wetmore. These are the same architects who designed Grand Central Terminal in NYC. And that Beaux-Arts style–consisting of ornate accents contrasting modern lines–is also present in Yonkers Station. Vaulted Guastavino tile ceilings, triangular hanging lamps, and the same arched window are all common features between the two historic train stations.

At the time, the station was initially part of the New York Central Railroad. This network of railroads operated from 1853 to 1968, connecting much of New York and the Great Lakes region. New York Central Railroad also operated the iconic power station along the waterfront.

Glenwood power plant
Yonkers Electric Power Station

Then, during World War II, the train station served as a crucial transportation hub for soldiers and civilians alike. The station played a vital role in the war effort by transporting troops and supplies all over the country.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Yonkers train station experienced a decline in usage. As more people began to rely on automobiles, the station began to fall into disrepair. However, a renewed interest in public transportation spurred a massive investment in renovations for Yonkers Station at the turn of the century.

A Rebirth

Yonkers Train Station tracks
Yonkers Train Station Tracks

In October 2021, Metro-North began its restoration project on the station in conjunction with the entirety of the Hudson Line. The Yonkers Station alone was an investment of $43 million. In addition to structural repair on the tracks and other critical needs, the station received a cosmetic restoration as well. The traditional styles were revived in the terra cotta facade that adorns the station. This re-beautification also saw the installation of large windows facing westward to the Hudson River and the Palisades. And lastly, during a modernization effort in 2010, the ticket counters were permanently closed and passengers now use ticket vending machines on the lobby level.

The Yonkers train station has a long history. And its history is that of growth, improvement, and service to the region. It remains an important transportation hub, connecting commuters and travelers to destinations throughout the New York City metropolitan area and beyond. It’s modernization, commitment to its history, and ever-lasting utility echos that of the city it resides in.

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