Join our Panel Discussion on Mental Health Resources

Join your neighbors in a panel discussion on local mental health resources with experts from the area.

On Thursday, June 1st, Christine Peters is hosting “A Healthy Mind is Money in the Bank: a panel discussion on mental health treatment and resources” This two-hour long event is open to the public is starting at 5:30pm in the Riverfront Library in Yonkers. Light refreshments will be available.

The event will be moderated by Joseph Pinion III with panelists to include:

  • Michael Orth, MSW – Commissioner of Westchester County Department of Community Health
  • Dr. William Mullane – WJCS Director of Innovation, Integration, and Community Partnerships
  • Audrey McInerney – President of NAMI Westchester
  • Jason Duncan, PhD – President and Founder of CBTAAA
  • Suzanne Schwartzberg – Author

There will be a structured panel discussion section with the panelists followed by an open question and answer section with the audience. The panel discussion section will cover the following topics:

  • What are some resources available to me with/without insurance?
  • What are some mental health trends since COVID?
  • What role does government play?
  • What role can constituents play?
  • What are treatment options?

Complimentary headsets for translation into Spanish will be available.

Register for the free event here:
registration closed.

mental health flyer
mental health flyer in Spanish

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