Yonkers Student Angelica Almanza Chosen for Meeting with Pope Francis at Vatican Summit

Angelica Almanza, a resident of Yonkers and Senior at Maria Regina High School (MRHS), earned praise from her selection as one of two fortunate students chosen to personally meet Pope Francis during their participation in the Inaugural Scholas Summit of Meaning at the Vatican from May 21 to the 23.

Scholas Occurrentes

The global educational movement established by Pope Francis in 2013 promotes social integration and cultural exchange. It aims to connect youth from various backgrounds to cultivate further understanding and collaboration through educational programs, arts, and sports.

Angelica Almanza
Angelica Almanza – supplied

Almanza, while a Junior at MRHS attended the Scholas Occurrentes Global Conference in Miami. There, she was able to virtually meet Pope Francis which she described as a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” She joined three other students who had the opportunity to attend the session. The students involved collaborated in the creation of a mural that they presented to His Holiness. It represented unity, diversity and stood as a symbol for the Culture of Encounter.

The Upcoming Summit

Almanza was initially invited to this year’s event via a letter she received from the Executive Director of Scholas US.

In her letter to Angelica, Director Maria Martha Barreneche stated:

Your unwavering dedication to the principles espoused by Scholas USA and your exemplary contributions to its noble cause has not gone unnoticed. Therefore, it is with utmost reverence that we cordially invite you to apply for this esteemed opportunity to represent Scholas USA on the international stage.

Angelica proclaims that she admires Pope Francis’ role as not only the leader of the Catholic Church, but also his commitment to social justice and compassion resonates with her.

In a letter posted on the Maria Regina High School News page:

…Scholas inspired us to embrace our roles as global citizens. They showed us that even small actions, when multiplied, can create significant ripples of change…The experience with Scholas showed that we have the power to make a difference, regardless of our age or background

Angelica Almanza

Upon her return from the summit, Angelica Almanza graduates with honors on May 31 at Maria Regina’s annual Commencement ceremony. She will continue her education at the University of Connecticut, focusing on Animal Science with a Pre-Veterinary Track.

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