Yonkers Public Schools Publish 2023 Scholarships Handbook

The superintendent of Yonkers Public Schools (YPS) has announced the publication of the annual scholarships handbook for 2023.

“You hold in your hand access to increase your college opportunities and decrease your financial burden as you pursue your dreams of post-secondary education.”

Dr. Edwin Quesada – YPS Superintendent

This 124 page handbook contains information on roughly 100 different scholarships that may be available to graduating high school students in Yonkers. Also contained are primers on college costs and financial aid. Beyond the handbook itself, YPS touts the Naviance Program that is an additional online portal for scholarship information and application. Dr. Quesada cites that the YPS Scholarship Handbook “is one of many tools available to help you achieve a meaningful post-secondary education.”

The Scholarships Handbook can be found here: https://www.yonkerspublicschools.org/cms/lib/NY01814060/Centricity/Domain/6554/22-23%20Scholarship%20Handbook.pdf

The full press release can be found on the YPS website here: https://www.yonkerspublicschools.org/scholarship-book

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