Eden Eats at Carlo’s Restaurant on Tuckahoe Road

Carlo’s restaurant in Yonkers offers a dining experience catering to families with a menu that is a mix of hits and misses for children. Our youthful food critic, Eden Peters, joined her mother and friend for a Saturday afternoon meal. Find out what she liked, and didn’t, at this local Italian comfort-food favorite.

About Carlo’s Italian Restaurant

Carlo’s is located at 668 Tuckahoe Road in Yonkers right around the corner from the post office. There’s a main dining room where Eden ate, and “not the little take out part at the bottom” as she described. She continued, “it’s a small little restaurant which is good for a quick family meal that isn’t too fancy“.

Eden eats bread at Carlo's
Eden eats the bread at Carlo’s – credit: Christine Peters

At the table were some activities like puzzles and games for children. The informal decor further invited diners of all-ages to enjoy a relaxed meal.

There were other kids there which was nice and it’s definitely a restaurant that likes having kids eat with adults.

Eden also noted that the waiter was friendly and attentive, adding to the positive atmosphere of the restaurant. But, she warns, “we had to wait a long time for our food, so if you go there with kids, make sure you leave extra time for the food to come.”

Food Reviews

For this weekend lunch, Eden sampled the penne alla vodka which left her with a mixed response on the dish. On the good side…

Eden Eats Penne Alla Vodka at Carlo's
Eden Eats Penne Alla Vodka at Carlo’s – credit: Christine Peters

I would give it a seven out of 10 because the sauce is very creamy and very cheesy.

However, she personally found it to be a bit on the bland side. “I like it garlicky and more robust,” she explained. For her, “the flavors were just so blended together that it just tasted like one flavor.” Eden did enjoy the restaurant’s generous policy on Parmesan cheese, though.

I asked for extra Parmesan and they gave me as much as I wanted.

Eden was then eager to share her mom’s Chicken Parmesan. A popular dish at Carlo’s, that was deemed definitely “tasty” by our young critic.

Eden eats chicken parmesan at Carlo's Italian Restaurant
The “tasty” Chicken Parmesan – credit: Christine Peters

However, Eden also sampled her friend’s order of chicken tenders and fries. But, she found them to be too salty. The signature standout of Carlo’s was the “really delicious” bread, which was a delightful addition to all of the meals.

So, while the penne alla vodka might not have hit the mark for those who prefer more intense flavors, Eden says she would definitely go back to try a different dish. With its family-friendly atmosphere, helpful service, and tasty options like the Chicken Parmesan, Carlo’s Italian Restaurant on Tuckahoe Road is worth a visit.

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